The Bulletin os the Cleveland Museum of Art


Ref: 047664
Editorial: The Cleveland Museum of Art
Año: 1989
Ciudad: Cleveland
Medidas: 23x19 cm.
Paginación: 53 pp.
Edición: 1ª ed.
9.60€ Impuesto incluido Disponible

The Bulletin os the Cleveland Museum of Art

CONTENIDO: A heron in Cleveland por William R. Biers; Tani Buncho´s Eight wiewsof Xiao and Xiang. Origins, Ideas, Implications por Frank L. Chance; A new discovery: Screens, Atributed to Kaiho Yusho por Michael R. Cunningham; Cowan Pottery and the Cleveland Museum of Art por Henry H. Hawley; The 1989nMay Show: Seventienth Annual Exhibitionby Arist and Craftsmen of the Western Reserve por Tom E. Hinson; Anatomical Drawings by Battista Franco por Monique Kornell; In search of a Valencian Madonna by Stamina por Ann Tzeutschler Lurie; Delacroix's Abandoned Portrait of Maurice Sand por Ann Tzeutschler Lurie y Bruce F. Miller; A Technical Note on a Madonna of Humility Atributed to Stamina por Bruce F. Miller; Marsden Hartley's Military por William H. Robinson; The Annual Report for 1998 por Evan H. Turner; Painting and Politics: Eccentricity and Political Dissent in Zhu Da's Fish and Rocks por Nadine Tymon; Fantin-Latour Tannhäuser Unveiled: The previous State of the Paintings as Revealed by Infrared Photography por Janine Wardius; The Annual Report for 1988 por Alton W. Whitehouse.

Ilustraciones en blanco y negro y color

Estado de conservación: Bueno